This was our first day in Thailand - we arrived in Bangkok around lunch their time. (12 hour difference, we have already been up 24 hours in this picture) .. needless to say we thought we were awake. We ended up going to sleep at 7:00pm that night. Haha!

During our trip there were "protests" going on... Our tour guide, Jerry told us they are like festivals... haha! The news made us feel like we were going to a war zone... not the case. They had live music and street food vendors everywhere. People camped out along the busiest intersections... quite interested to say the least.

Corey and his tea bag. No pun.

In your face.. literally. Yikes. We went to "China town" in Thailand. It was just like China...

This is the beginning of our boat ride throughout Bangkok... this was so much fun. We were able to see more of where people lived off the river.

We were able to see many "Wats" (Temples). They are SO detailed it'll blow your mind. I thought I was going to fall down the stairs on this one... they were SO steep. Of course flippy Corey didn't mind it at all and thought I was such a fraidy cat haha!

In semi-freak out mode knowing in a few minutes I'm about to have to literally climb down the stairs.

Our last full day in Bangkok we went to the weekend market. The market is full of EVERYTHING you can think of.. included this hawt lady-boy. Work it. Heshe had the most beautiful voice..............


Dragon fruit!

River Kwai

On the train used in WWII!

This was the cherry on top for our day. We had to ride a Long-tail boat to get to our next hotel! It was in the jungle on the water... probably our favorite place we went in Thailand.


Food vendors are everywhere you turn - we had a spring roll before riding sweet Le Le!

Rice field ("lice" field... our tour guide, Jerry made fun of his own kinds accent and kept calling it lice. Haha.. he kept us cracking up the whole trip)

"Oh Jerry..." we left for Phuket the next day so this was our farewell picture.

James Bond Island - Phuket

We had an incredible time in Thailand. We spend two weeks exploring Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Kanchanaburi, River Kwai, and then traveled to Phuket for a little R&R. Riding elephants.. eating everything in site (literally).. and getting a Thai massage every day ($6 bucks... I know...) The list goes on. If you have ever thought about venturing to Thailand, do it! The Thai food was out of this world and beer is around a dollar or two... not to mention everything is beautiful. What an experience this trip was.. we can't wait for the next one!